Friday, December 25, 2020

Tutorial: Wide Loop with Y Connection

I developed this loop for Heartbeat, my first design of 2021 which is a mix of 1, 2 and 3 drop peyote.  You could still anchor a simple wide loop over a single bead but I decided to anchor the loop at two points on the beadwork, to make a little Y shaped connection.  Although this tutorial is pretty much aimed at Heartbeat, you can use the techniques for other projects.  If you use buttons with different dimensions, you will need to use different anchor points too.

As with the simple wide loop, this should only be used on a bracelet which you intend to wear snug to your wrist as the wide loop is easier to do up but will also come undone more easily if it's loose.  The loop needs to be roughly the width of the button that you will use.

Heartbeat uses two buttons so needs two loops and I chose to place them at different ends of the beadwork.  The placement shown in this tutorial works for Heartbeat but for other designs you will need to work out where you want to place your button and then choose the placement of the loop so that it matches.  

Begin by adding a thread as shown in the diagram below so that it exits the bead highlighted yellow.  This first loop is situated on the side of the beadwork with the section of two drop peyote.

Stitch along the last two rows until you exit the first set of 2 drop peyote beads, as highlighted yellow.

Pick up seven beads and then stitch in to the bead highlighted red, which is the first bead of the first 3 drop peyote set.

Stitch through so that you exit the next 3 drop set (green bead), it is best to chose a route that goes further back in to the beadwork so the loop is well anchored to a number of rows and does not just pull on the last row.

I am going to call the bits of the peyote that stick out teeth and the bits in between gaps.  The first Y is situated over the 2 drop gap but the second Y is situated over the 3 drop tooth you have just stitched through.  Exiting the green bead, pick up 7 beads and stitch into  the blue bead through the 3 drop tooth in the same direction as you have just gone, exiting the green bead again.

Stitch through the beadwork, anchoring the loop across rows and turn back and go through the three drop tooth again, exiting the blue bead.  Stitch through the first four beads of the loop.

Pick up 27 beads then stitch in to the closest end of the 4th bead of the first loop you made.

Stitch through the first three beads of the first loop.  Stitch through the beadwork to the other side of the gap so that you can stitch through the last three beads of the first loop.

Stitch back through the 27 beads of the wide loop.  This will move the 27 beads over the top of the fourth bead of the first little loop.  Stitch in to the closest side of the fourth bead of the second little loop.

Stitch through the last three beads of the second loop, exiting the green bead.  From this point you can stitch through everything again or finish the thread.  

The loop at the other end is constructed in exactly the same way.  Both the little Y loops are sat over three drop gaps.

The beadwork has been turned so the loop appears to be in the same spot at the other end, they are not though!

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